In the last two elections, I said I would listen to all constituents’ concerns. I kept that promise and will continue to listen. This commitment is even more important in a time of economic downturn. The next three years will mean tight budgets, while striving to maintain services, support jobs, and protect the environment.
If re-elected, I will work to keep taxes as low as possible while making sure we get full benefit of SCRD services. I will continue to work on seniors’ issues and affordable housing. As clean drinking water is a great concern of mine, I will be monitoring this issue not only in Chapman Creek but in other areas in the Regional District.
Since being elected in 2005, I have dealt with budgets, recreation centers, watershed issues, hospital expansion, and ongoing concerns about mining and IPPs. During the six years I have served, I have frequently met with provincial ministers to further Sunshine Coast causes and got them to listen to our concerns, especially in order to further our desire to manage the watershed.
I have a record of supporting the Halfmoon Bay Volunteer Fire Department, auxiliary coast guard, and Citizens on Patrol. I worked to get Connor Park upgrades, such as improved washrooms and other amenities. I also collaborated with the School Board and local governments to get baseball and soccer fields in other areas of the Coast.
Before I was first elected, I spent six months preparing and informing myself. When I went to SCRD, I had a list of 70 to-do items. This list is now down to less than 10, but the remaining ones need further effort on my part to be accomplished.
I have built good working relationships with other SCRD directors, the two mayors, and their councils to strengthen support for SCRD initiatives and Halfmoon Bay concerns. Most important of all to me, I have established and maintained constant, open communication with the people of Halfmoon Bay. This interaction, via weekly visits to the two general stores and regular email newsletters, has promoted high community involvement.

If re-elected, I will continue to work for all constituents and to hold the line on SCRD spending. I have proven my full-time commitment to the people of Halfmoon Bay. I have the experience for continued success and look forward to working for the community for another three years.
At Coopers Green, please vote for Garry Nohr on November 19th for Director of Halfmoon Bay.
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